Themenkreise: Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Print
Cover Titel Autor Bewertung Hits
cover  Avicenna's Single Drugs: The Second Book of the Canon of Medicine 0   1610
cover  Cosmology and Biology in Ancient Philosophy: From Thales to Avicenna 0   1614
cover  Avicenna: The Father of Modern Medicine 0   1627
cover  Analytic Philosophy and Avicenna: Knowing the Unknown 0   1630
cover  Avicenna and the Visionary Recital 0   1639
cover  Metafizik 1 0   1649
cover  Avicenna e la sinistra aristotelica 0   1652
cover  Mantiga Giris: Ibn Sna Felsefe Serisi 3 0   1674
cover  Metafizik: Ibn Sna Felsefe Serisi - 1 0   1693
cover  Ibn Sina's Remark and Admonitions 0   1710